3 Easy Homemade Dog Treats You Can Make For Your Beagle

homemade dog treats

Dogs can be very picky when it comes to eating, and rightfully so.
Most dog food is bland and isn’t filled with the right ingredients to help your furry friend stay healthy. If you’d like to treat your pet to some delicious homemade dog treats, you’ll find some great quick recipes below you can try.

Why Make Your Own?

While it might be easier to pop into a store and buy some pre-made treats, this isn’t always the best choice.
One reason is that these treats can be filled with artificial flavorings and are packed with corn gluten which is known to cause skin problems and other allergies in dogs if they eat too much of it. So, by making your own, you can be sure to include only natural and fresh ingredients that will not only taste great for your pet but prevent them from developing allergies and other health issues.

The Trail Mix

Yes, even dogs can enjoy a good trail mix! This recipe is packed with vitamins and minerals that your pet needs to stay healthy.

What You Need

    • Chopped pieces of cooked carrot, potato, and apple (not the core or seeds)
    • Chopped up meat, like chicken and beef

How to Make It

After you dry the ingredients in the oven for about an hour at 200oF. Take the chopped vegetables, fruit, and meat pieces and place them into the bag. Make sure you cook and dry them perfectly. Raw ingredients can end up making a mess and aren’t the most flavorful for your dog. Uncooked meat can also be a health hazard. Once they’re put into the bag, seal it up well to help prevent moisture from seeping in.

Dog Biscuits

Almost every dog loves a good dog biscuit and you can make them for your pet with these homemade dog treats.

What You Need

    • 1 ½ cups flour
    • ½ teaspoon salt
    • An egg
    • ½ teaspoon beef stock
    • ¼ cup hot water

How to Make It

To make this recipe, mix all ingredients together in a clean bowl. Then, take the mixture out and knead it thoroughly for about 2-3 minutes until well-combined.
After doing this, take a rolling pin and roll the dough out so it’s about ½ inches thick. You can then cut shapes out of the dough (the most popular being a dog bone), put the pieces on a baking sheet, and cook for about 30 minutes at 350°F.

Yogurt Peanut Butter Treats

Peanut butter is often a favorite treat for dogs, and combining yogurt with it can make it even more delectable for them.

What You Need

    • ½ cup peanut butter
    • 2 cups plain yogurt
    • 1 banana

How to Make It

To make these treats, mix the two ingredients together in a clean bowl. Then, take spoonfuls of the mixture and place it into separate holders, like a Popsicle or ice cube maker or a cupcake paper liner. After doing this, put them all in the freezer so they firm up.


These dogs treat recipes are perfect to make to not only ensure your dog eats healthy snacks but flavorful ones as well. If you’re looking to find some quick and easy recipes to make for your furry friend, definitely consider trying the ones above.

If you know other quick & healthy homemade dog treats recipes your dog enjoys devouring, we would be so happy if you share them with us in the comment section.